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Join The Chabad Gemara Program!


During the farbrengen of Simchas Torah and Yud Tes Kislev 5683 (1923), the Frierdiker Rebbe asked Chassidim to study an Amud of Gemara each day and to make up whatever they missed. This practice was recorded in Sefer Haminhagim by our Rebbe stating that “it was customary amongst Chassidim to study an Amud of Gemara each day.”

Amud Yomi Chabad is an organization that promotes and facilitates the study of an Amud of Gemara each day.

It was established in Tammuz 5780 by a group of London Chasidim and encouraged by Anash Rabbonim in London – Dayan Levi Yitzchak Raskin and Rabbi Gedalya Lieberman – and by Rabanim and Mashpiim worldwide.

The program systematically studies Shas one Amud a day from Sunday to Thursday, with Friday and Shabbos reserved for review.

We’ve upgraded the website and made it that much easier to get involved.

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